Nisqually Reflection
by Nancy Merkle
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 20.000 x 0.750 inches
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Nisqually Reflection
Nancy Merkle
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This abstract landscape painting was created on an 16x20 inch canvas using oil paints. It was inspired by a visit to the Nisqually Wildlife Preserve in Thurston County of Washington State. It is a delightful preserve on the Delta of the Nisqually River, a river that flows from the Nisqually Glacier on Mount Rainier. It was an early morning in the still of fall when the image first crossed my path. The water was very still, hardly a ripple and the beautiful gold of the autumn trees sparkled in the morning light. The chirping of birds filled the air and the air was crisp. It is a lovely memory and it was a great experience recreating the experience in my studio.
The following haiku also is a tribute to the fall season:
In celebration of the fall season, the view also inspired this short little haiku:
Autumn's golden view
Warm and sunny, sweet and short
Winter comes soon now
ABC-L is for Liquid, August 2016
Motivation, Meditation, October 2014
US Forests and Wildlife, April 2013
I've been selling originals and reproductions of my work online since 2007. People all over the world have purchased my art and it is wonderful to connect with so many.
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March 15th, 2013